Gli scambiatori di calore a piastre ispezionabili della serie AV ed AX sono costituiti da una gamma completa e flessibile di piastre di numerose taglie per risolvere al meglio ogni singolo problema di scambio termico con soluzioni mirate e calcolate su misura per il cliente.
Avvalendosi dei più avanzati sistemi di calcolo è possibile ottenere sempre la soluzione ottimizzata per lo specifico problema termico che il cliente deve risolvere. Gli scambiatori sono costituiti da un pacco di piastre per lo scambio termico di materiale idoneo ai fluidi che devono scambiare il calore tra loro, tenuto insieme da due piastroni di contenimento e dalla necessaria tiranteria. Le piastre costituiscono due canali, uno per il fluido caldo che cede calore all’altro, ed uno per quello freddo che riceve il calore.

La tenuta dei canali viene assicurata da delle guarnizioni, in diversi materiali a seconda dei fluidi di esercizio, che una volta posizionate sulle piastre creano i canali per il circuito primario e quello secondario.

Lo scambiatore ispezionabile presenta il principale vantaggio della flessibilità, dal momento che può essere smontato nei suoi singoli componenti.

Questo garantisce più efficienza nelle operazioni di pulizia e manutenzione, oltre a rendere flessibili i processi termici a cui è sottoposto con la possibilità di ampliamento della superficie di scambio mediante la semplice aggiunta di piastre all’interno del pacco.


Connections 1 ¼” The gasketed plate heat exchangers of the series AV and AX are constituted by a complete and flexible range of plates of various sizes to best resolve each individual problem of heat exchange with a solution targeted and calculated “tailored” to the client. TECHNICAL SHEET RICHIEDI INFORMAZIONI


Connections 1 ¼” The gasketed plate heat exchangers of the series AV and AX are constituted by a complete and flexible range of plates of various sizes to best resolve each individual problem of heat exchange with a solution targeted and calculated “tailored” to the client. TECHNICAL SHEET RICHIEDI INFORMAZIONI


Connections 2 ½” The gasketed plate heat exchangers of the series AV and AX are constituted by a complete and flexible range of plates of various sizes to best resolve each individual problem of heat exchange with a solution targeted and calculated “tailored” to the client. TECHNICAL SHEET RICHIEDI INFORMAZIONI


Connections 2 ½” The gasketed plate heat exchangers of the series AV and AX are constituted by a complete and flexible range of plates of various sizes to best resolve each individual problem of heat exchange with a solution targeted and calculated “tailored” to the client. TECHNICAL SHEET RICHIEDI INFORMAZIONI


Connections 2 ½” The gasketed plate heat exchangers of the series AV and AX are constituted by a complete and flexible range of plates of various sizes to best resolve each individual problem of heat exchange with a solution targeted and calculated “tailored” to the client. TECHNICAL SHEET RICHIEDI INFORMAZIONI


Connections 2 ½” The gasketed plate heat exchangers of the series AV and AX are constituted by a complete and flexible range of plates of various sizes to best resolve each individual problem of heat exchange with a solution targeted and calculated “tailored” to the client. TECHNICAL SHEET RICHIEDI INFORMAZIONI


Connections DN100 The gasketed plate heat exchangers of the series AV and AX are constituted by a complete and flexible range of plates of various sizes to best resolve each individual problem of heat exchange with a solution targeted and calculated “tailored” to the client. TECHNICAL SHEET RICHIEDI INFORMAZIONI


Connections DN100 The gasketed plate heat exchangers of the series AV and AX are constituted by a complete and flexible range of plates of various sizes to best resolve each individual problem of heat exchange with a solution targeted and calculated “tailored” to the client. TECHNICAL SHEET RICHIEDI INFORMAZIONI


Connections DN100 The gasketed plate heat exchangers of the series AV and AX are constituted by a complete and flexible range of plates of various sizes to best resolve each individual problem of heat exchange with a solution targeted and calculated “tailored” to the client. TECHNICAL SHEET RICHIEDI INFORMAZIONI


Connections DN150 The gasketed plate heat exchangers of the series AV and AX are constituted by a complete and flexible range of plates of various sizes to best resolve each individual problem of heat exchange with a solution targeted and calculated “tailored” to the client. TECHNICAL SHEET RICHIEDI INFORMAZIONI


Connections DN150 The gasketed plate heat exchangers of the series AV and AX are constituted by a complete and flexible range of plates of various sizes to best resolve each individual problem of heat exchange with a solution targeted and calculated “tailored” to the client. TECHNICAL SHEET RICHIEDI INFORMAZIONI


Connections DN200 The gasketed plate heat exchangers of the series AV and AX are constituted by a complete and flexible range of plates of various sizes to best resolve each individual problem of heat exchange with a solution targeted and calculated “tailored” to the client. TECHNICAL SHEET RICHIEDI INFORMAZIONI


Connections DN200 The gasketed plate heat exchangers of the series AV and AX are constituted by a complete and flexible range of plates of various sizes to best resolve each individual problem of heat exchange with a solution targeted and calculated “tailored” to the client. TECHNICAL SHEET RICHIEDI INFORMAZIONI


Connections DN250 The gasketed plate heat exchangers of the series AV and AX are constituted by a complete and flexible range of plates of various sizes to best resolve each individual problem of heat exchange with a solution targeted and calculated “tailored” to the client. TECHNICAL SHEET RICHIEDI INFORMAZIONI


Connections DN300 The gasketed plate heat exchangers of the series AV and AX are constituted by a complete and flexible range of plates of various sizes to best resolve each individual problem of heat exchange with a solution targeted and calculated “tailored” to the client. RICHIEDI INFORMAZIONI